Amiga Games: Greatest Hits 1996
Amiga Games: Greatest Hits 1996.iso
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Text File
155 lines
_______ ____ _______ ___ ____
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Written by
Andy Whiteley, January 1992
TETREN is a one or two player version of the popular aracde classic,
but with many totally original and taxing levels to keep you occupied and
to be a little different from the others.
Player One uses Joystick 1 - Joystick plugged into J/S Port
Player Two uses Joystick 2 - Joystick plugged into Mouse Port
In Game controls:-
'P' at any time during play - Pauses game & stops timer
'ESC' aborts the current game
For the very few of you who have never played this type of game
before, the idea is to form completely blocked in horizontal lines by
rotating the descending shapes (by pressing Fire) and by moving them to
the left and right. Once you start to get confident, you can speed up the
shapes' descent by pulling down on the joystick.
Each line you complete disappears and when you have completed the
required number of lines for that level, you can start the next one.
That's the theory for the first couple of levels - after that, the idea's
the same, but anything can (and does) happen, so watch out!
If anyone is good enough to finish all the levels in ONE go, then
drop me a line with your finish code and if you're very lucky, I'll send
you a Congratulatory Mars (or preferred similar confectionary)!
It should be fairly straightforward to install TETREN onto a Hard
Disk Drive, especially if you have a file handler such as SID or DIR OPUS:
1) Use MAKEDIR to make a directory called "TETREN" on your
Hard Disk Drive.
2) Copy the files "A" - "R" (excluding "C") and TETREN
into this directory.
3) Copy the contents of the Fonts directory on the TETREN
disk to the FONTS directory on your HD.
4) Either i) Insert "Assign TETREN: dh0:TETREN"
into your startup-sequence
Or ii) Type "Assign TETREN: dh0:TETREN"
before calling TETREN from Shell.
5) Once you have re-booted, type "TETREN:TETREN" from
Shell and the game should start.
If at any time during the game, the computer is low on memory,
then TETREN will display a relevant message informing you of the action it
is taking - usually turning off the music for a while. Also, the disc must
be kept inserted at all times, write enabled, otherwise error messages
will prompt you to take the appropiate action.
TETREN started out as a 'present' for my Mum who became hooked on
a very basic version that I had written on the office computer, and so I
decided to write her a colour version for her Amiga. Before I knew it, my
brother was drawing the graphics and my flat-mate was composing the music
and the next thing I knew my friend back home had thought up a host of
devious levels.
Feeling a little guilty that I was getting all this help and not
programming much, I knuckled down to it, ignoring my studies, and produced
a version on two disks which had an extra tune and some sampled speech.
However, I really wanted to get it onto one disk and so unfortunately I
had to drop one of the tunes (Mike's personal favourite) and get rid of
the speech, much to everyone's relief!
So here it is - play and enjoy - and any comments are welcomed.
TETREN can be freely distrubuted on the Public Domain, provided
the following rules are adhered to:
a) All files, including this document file, are distributed
b) The files are distributed as a self-booting disc or
equivalent file type (e.g. DMS).
c) No alterations are made to any of the files, whatsoever.
d) The game is used entirely at the risk of the user - no blame
nor liability for any damage caused by the use or misuse
of this game will be accepted by the author.
c) The Music and Graphics are not used for any other purpose
without the express written permission of the author.
Andy Whiteley - Author
Mike Kingham - Music
Mark Whiteley - Graphics
Rupert Hart - Gameplay & Level Design
Tested by - Gerred Blyth, Stephen Jones,
Joanne Westwood, Pete Sparrow,
Jo Ferguson & Wayne Thomas.
Dedicated to - Mum & Dad.
Any comments and claims for winners' Mars Bars should be sent to:
Andy Whiteley,
c/o 104 Newbridge Hill,
Bath, Avon,
BA1 3QB.
or alternatively, you can contact my at my Fido Net address:
TETREN was written on AMOS v1.34, Compiled and Packed with
PowerPacker v3.1.